Statera - Athletic Evolution podcast interview
We recently had the pleasure of catching up with Rob Anderson of Athletic Evolution to discuss how we are getting along with the development of Statera. We discuss:
September 2020 Update
Time for an update!
It feels like there has been a time-distortion field in operation since lockdown. Behind the scenes we’ve been plugging away making Statera more user-friendly, better-looking and ensuring less exciting things such as GDPR compliance.
Platform to Perform Podcast with Statera
Andy catches up with Todd Davidson of the Platform to Perform Podcast to discuss Statera and all things youth athletic development
The Launch
We are still busy working away making Statera the best it can be, but all things well, we hope to launch around September 2020. In the mean time, please do sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest on this.